Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12 every year to commemorate space exploration milestones. The event is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. In 2004, people celebrated Yuri's Night in 34 countries in over 75 individual events. Locations have included Los Angeles, Stockholm, Antarctica, the San Francisco Bay Area, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and the International Space Station.
The goal of Yuri's Night is to increase public interest in space exploration and to inspire a new generation of explorers. Driven by space-inspired artistic expression and culminating in a worldwide network of annual celebrations and educational events, Yuri's Night creates a global community of young people committed to shaping the future of space exploration while developing responsible leaders and innovators with a global perspective. These global events are a showcase for elements of culture that embrace space including music, dance, fashion, and art.
Yuri's Night was created by Loretta Hidalgo, George T. Whitesides and Trish Garner. The first Yuri's Night was held on April 12, 2001, on the 40th anniversary of human spaceflight. This global celebration was preceded by Cosmonautics Day (Russian: День Космонавтики), which was established in the Soviet Union in 1962.
The 2004 event in Los Angeles was attended by over 100 prominent space leaders including author Ray Bradbury, space tourist Dennis Tito, X-Prize founder Peter Diamandis, *NSYNC's Lance Bass and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from the original Star Trek series). The event was followed by a large party with 2 dance floors and world-class DJs.
The 2007 event in the San Francisco Bay Area was located at NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in Mountain View, CA. The event featured artistic installations, technology demonstrations, and DJ music continuing through dawn of the following day and takes place in an aircraft hangar not accessible to the public.
April 2011 marked the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's historic first flight.
El objetivo de La noche de Yuri, que impulsa el Space Generation Advisory Council, consiste en aumentar el interés de los ciudadanos por la exploración del espacio y fomentar el surgimiento de una, incluyendo música, danza, moda y arte, así como una red mundial de celebraciones y acontecimientos educativos anuales, La Noche de Yuri trata de estimular el surgimiento de una comunidad global comprometida con el futuro de la exploración espacial. También busca desarrollar líderes e innovadores capaces de asumir un compromiso de responsabilidad global en este campo.
La noche de Yuri fue creada por Loretta Hidalgo, George T. Whitesides y Trish Garner y se materializó por primera vez el 12 de abril de 2001, si su homóloga, conocido como el Día de la Cosmonáutica (en ruso: День Космонавтики), se celebra desde 1962 en lo que entonces era la Unión Soviética.
En la edición de 2004, celebrada en Los Ángeles, acudieron alrededor de un centenar de destacados líderes de la aventura espacial, incluyendo el autor Ray Bradbury, el turista espacial Dennis Tito, el fundador del X-Prize Peter Diamandis, Lance Bass de los 'N Sync y Nichelle Nichols (Uhura de la Star Trek: La Serie Original).
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